When camper_versions®, our camper van conversion enterprise, was established in 2010, we recognized a surplus of amateurish van conversions flooding the market, lacking in practicality. From its inception, camper_versions® set out to become a premier camper van conversion firm in the UK. Our journey began with a distinctive curved furniture design, departing from the square, outdated look prevalent among competitors.
Our aim was to inject style and a contemporary flair into the industry while prioritizing practicality and innovation. Right from the start, we pursued excellence, offering high-quality products, unparalleled customer service, ethical practices, and aspiring to craft market-leading campervans. By 2020, we had achieved this goal, tailoring campervans to suit diverse needs and becoming one of the UK's foremost conversion companies. We distinguished ourselves by introducing original and inventive products, garnering awards for our service and creativity, consistently earning 5-star reviews, and adopting eco-friendly practices to reduce carbon emissions. Additionally, we initiated contribution schemes supporting charitable organizations.